UNIQUE Pay Per Click Membership!
Promote your Travel related business Here NOW!
That's right! Premium traffic....and you won't be disappointed.
In today's competitive marketplace getting such traffic is something to cheer about.
Sounds incredible? Read on....
We offer a Pay Per Click system to promote your business to the Millions of travelers reaching their destination by air.
Do you promote specifically to that market?
This is free and it gives you access to 2000 possible customers with our minimum Click-thru bid of $0.01.....BUT.....
ALL new members will receive an introductory $20 membership to start.....NO credit card needed to join with no further obligation......guaranteed.
There are NO membership or joining fees......your entire account balance is yours to use on promoting your service.
What is a "Pay Per Click" system?
I know what a Pay Per Click
system is....just let me join.....
A Pay Per Click system allows you, the member, to bid on search terms or phrases that a visitor to our site would use to select their future accommodation, car rental, tour, airline etc...
As a member you would bid on terms that would best describe your service or business.
For example: A Hotel owner could bid on "hotel", "accommodation", "meals included" , "close to city", "airport accommodation" etc....
As a member you would decide on a bid amount that would determine your ranking on the search results.
Minimum bids are $0.01 which would automatically display your listing on the search results of our site under your bid terms.
A minimum joining account balance of US$20.00 would therefore give you 2000 prospective NEW customers.
The introductory nominal joining account balance of US$20.00 (currently small) would therefore give you 2000 prospective NEW customers.
Incredible low cost deal!
If there are no higher bids you will be displayed at the top of the search results. Equal value bids are displayed on a "first in first displayed" basis.
If however another member bids $0.02 or more they will be listed above your listing....but......
Now this is the beauty of the system.....
Although you have made a bid your account balance will not change unless the visitor to the site clicks (hence the term "Pay Per Click") your listing and views your details. You pay only for click-thrus to your listing.
So in fact you could bid $0.10 per click-thru but actually pay nothing to have your business displayed to the visitors unless they click-thru to your listing.
Naturally the aim of advertising is to increase your business by receiving more reservations and new customers. Selling your business is very important and who better to do that than you, the business owner.
Therefore, as a Pay Per Click member, not only can you bid on a search term that best describes your service but you can
- change your listing 24/7
- add pictures
- bid to be displayed on the "Specials" page
- add or remove bid terms
- and bid on banner spaces throughout the site
After you have used your initial balance you can Top-up your balance when you like as often as you like.
There is no obligation to continue and we do not automatically deduct your credit card when your balance is low as some pay per click vendors do.
You are in total control of your budget and listing!
What does your listing contain?
1. Your full business contact details
2. Your logo
3. An image or 3 of your choice
4. Your web address (we also cater for those without a current website - see below)
5. Business overview and more....
You will be able to list your business under
- Your closest Airport &
- Your closest City &
- Display the time taken to reach your place of business from both an Airport and City &
- List under up to 3 Service Categories (e.g. hotels, B&B, car rentals, limos etc) &
- Display your banner on any page giving you more exposure &
- List any Specials you may have on the "Specials" page
Click here to check out a sample.
And what's more...if we have not included either a City, Airport or Category that suits you then all you need to do
when signing up is to select the closest and then email us once you have been approved, telling us what Category,
City or Airport you wish included and we will add it for you. Once it has been added you will only need to update your
listing with the correct information....updating your listing is simple and can be done 24/7.
The steps to list are simple and will only take 5 minutes to complete.
1. Join as a member & remember - NO credit card needed to join with our paypal option.
2. Prepare your listing and or banner that promotes your business......
3. Determine a bid amount for your listing..........
4. Activate your listing....
5. Bid on at least one keyword.....
Once activated your listing is displayed on AirportsAmerica.com under the Airport, City and Service Categories of your choice .....
What types of memberships do you have?.......
We have 2 types of membership.
1. The Short Listing is for members that own a website.
Short Listing Sample Here!
2. The Long Listing is for members that have their own website.
Long Listing Sample Here!
Either way your account balance does not change unless a visitor to our site clicks your listing......and then it is only reduced by the amount of your bid...and then only once per day per IP address. Even if one individual visitor clicks your link 100 times in the same 24 hour period you will only be charged once for that visitor viewing your listing.
And if you wish to continue listing your service with us you can Top-up your account - totally obligation free - using PayPal - Secure and cheap to join or WorldPay.com.
.... both of which use credit card payments...and of course they are very secure......
....but we can accept other forms of payment. Please contact us for further details.
Sounds great to me....... I want to join now.......
As a member you promote your listing under keywords which describe your business best....
or for which you would find your type of business under a search engine....for example....a B&B would list under bed and breakfast,
B&B, accommodation, meals included etc.....
Listings are displayed according to the bid amount you place on your listing.....highest bids are at the top.....in some cases, depending upon your keywords that you wish to bid on, you won't have any competition...........so you
will be at the top.........and our minimum bid of $0.01 then applies for each click-thru to your listing.
But remember, your account is only reduced when your listing is clicked.
But what if the same person clicks your listing hundreds of times in one day?
Will you have to pay for all those clicks?
No you won't.
Internet accounts have an IP address which we can track. Each individual unique IP address
is counted only ONCE per 24 hour period....that means that even
if your listing was clicked 10 times during a day via the same IP address, your account will only
be reduced once......not 10 times.
Sound good?
Join here now.....don't
waste anymore promotion time!
By joining as a member you will be listed on AirportsAmerica.com
under the category of your choice.
We have all sorts of categories....Rental Cars, Limos, Family Entertainment, Adventure Tours....you name it, we've got it.....
And even if we don't.....we'll make up a category just for you.....even if you are the only listing under that category.....
We are here to promote your business!
And we don't have a minimum monthly spend amount limit as most of the other Pay-Per-Click search engines do. Your $20 balance can remain in credit for 1 month, 3 months or 12 months. It is totally up to you and the number of visitors clicking through to your listing.
If you are ready to become a member click here....
With our system you get your own Admin Panel with a Username and Password.....a statistical account of where your hard earned cash is going.....and which of your listings is attracting enquires and which of those
may need fine tuning......and you can update your listing at any time....
Now just to recap the Main Points
- No Minimum Monthly Spend
- Update your listing 24/7
- Your entire account balance is yours to promote with
- Bid on as many terms as you wish
- Minimum bid amount is $0.01
- Long listings available for members without a website
- Personal Admin Panel
- Bidding Stats
- Top up accounts with PayPal
Act Now!
- Sign up as a member here.
- Login to your own Member Control Panel - after our Support Team has approved your membership.
- Create a description of your business in the "Manage Listing" area of your Member Control Panel.
- Select and bid on the relevant keywords under which you wish to display your listing.
- Make a bid. The higher your bid the higher you will be displayed on our Search Engine.
- Log in frequently to get an idea of how your listing is going.
- Sit back and watch your enquiries build.
YOU are in control - spend as little or as much as you wish.
It is totally up to you.
Why wait?
Login here for those who are already members.